BDM - infacmd

Bdm Component


infacmd is a command line client of BDM.

You got also one for Powercenter


In the informatica

  • INFA_HOME/isp/bin/ (First)
  • but also: INFA_HOME/server/bin directory



infacmd [Module|....] <command> <arguments>

where module:

See list of module in the ref

Without ISP

Folder Commands
  createFolder: Creates a folder in the domain.
  getFolderInfo: Gets folder information.
  listFolders: Lists the folders in the domain.
  moveFolder: Moves a folder.
  moveObject: Moves an object to another folder.
  removeFolder: Removes a folder from the domain.
  updateFolder: Updates the folder description.

Grid Commands
  createGrid: Creates a grid in the domain and assigns nodes to the grid.
  listGridNodes: Lists the nodes assigned to a grid.
  removeGrid: Removes a grid from the domain.
  updateGrid: Updates the list of nodes assigned to a grid.

Log Commands
  convertLogFile: Converts binary log files to text format, XML files, or readable text on the screen.
  convertUserActivityLogFile: Converts user activity binary log files to text format, XML files, or readable text on the screen.
  getLastError: Gets the most recent error messages for an application service running on a node.
  getLog: Gets log events.
  getSessionLog: Gets log events for the most recent run of a session.
  getUserActivityLog: Gets user activity logs.
  getWorkflowLog: Gets log events for the most recent run of a workflow.
  purgeLog: Purges log events.

Node Commands
  addDomainNode: Adds a node to the domain.
  addNodeResource: Adds a custom  file or directory resource to a node.
  disableNodeResource: Disables an Informatica resource.
  enableNodeResource: Enables an Informatica resource.
  getNodeName: Returns the name of a domain node.
  getSystemLogDirectory: Returns the system log directory path.
  listNodeOptions: Lists general properties for a node.
  listNodeResources: Lists all resources defined for a node.
  listNodeRoles: Lists all roles on a node in the domain.
  listNodes: Lists the nodes in the domain.
  printSPNAndKeytabNames: Prints SPN and keytab names.
  removeNode: Removes a node from the domain.
  removeNodeResource: Removes a resource from a node.
  shutdownNode: Shuts down a node.
  switchToGatewayNode: Converts an existing worker node to a gateway node.
  switchToWorkerNode: Converts an existing gateway node to a worker node.
  unassociateDomainNode: Disassociates a node in a domain from its address.
  updateNodeOptions: Updates node general properties.
  updateNodeRole: Updates the role on a node in the domain.

Service Commands
  disableService: Disables the application service corresponding to the service name.
  enableService: Enables the application service corresponding to the service name.
  getServiceOption: Gets the value of a service property for a PowerCenter Integration Service, PowerCenter Repository Service, SAP BW Service, or Web Services Hub.
  getServiceStatus: Gets the status of an application service.
  listServiceNodes: Lists the nodes or grid assigned to a service.
  listServices: Lists the services in the domain.
  removeService: Removes an application service from the domain.

User Commands
  addGroupPrivilege: Assigns a privilege to a group in the domain.
  addRolePrivilege: Assigns a privilege to a role in the domain.
  addUserPrivilege: Assigns a privilege to a user in the domain.
  addUserToGroup: Adds a native or LDAP user to a native group in the domain.
  assignGroupPermission: Assigns a group permission on an object.
  assignRoleToGroup: Assigns a role to a group for a domain or an application service.
  assignRoleTouser: Assigns a role to a user for a domain or an application service.
  assignUserPermission: Assigns a user permission on an object.
  createGroup: Creates a group in the native security domain.
  createRole: Creates a custom role in the domain.
  createUser: Creates a user account in the native security domain.
  disableUser: Disables a user account in the domain.
  editUser: Edits the general properties for a user account in the native security domain.
  enableUser: Enables a user account in the domain.
  listAllGroups: Lists all the groups in the native security domain.
  listAllRoles: Lists all roles in the domain.
  listAllUsers: Lists all user accounts in the domain.
  listGroupPermissions: Lists group permissions on an object.
  listGroupPrivileges: Lists privileges assigned to a group in the domain.
  listGroupsForUser: Lists groups for a user.
  listRolePrivileges: Lists privileges assigned to a role in a domain.
  listSecurityDomains: Lists the native and LDAP security domains in the domain.
  listServicePrivileges: Lists the privileges for a domain or an application service.
  listUserPermissions: Lists the domain objects on which a user has permissions.
  listUserPrivileges: Lists privileges assigned to a user in the domain.
  migrateUsers: Migrates users from one security domain to another.
  removeGroup: Removes a group from the native security domain.
  removeGroupPermission: Removes a group permission from an object
  removeGroupPrivilege: Removes a privilege from a group in the domain or from a group in an application service within the domain.
  removeRole: Removes a custom role from the domain.
  removeRolePrivilege: Removes a privilege from a role in the domain or from a role in an application service within the domain.
  removeUser: Removes a user account from the native security domain.
  removeUserFromGroup: Removes a native or LDAP user from a native group in the domain.
  removeUserPermission: Removes a user permission from an object
  removeUserPrivilege: Removes a privilege from a user in the domain or from a user in an application service within the domain.
  resetPassword: Resets the password for a user in the domain.
  unassignRoleFromGroup: Removes a role from a group for a domain or an application service.
  unassignRoleFromUser: Removes a role from a user for a domain or an application service.

User Management Commands
  SyncSecurityDomains: Synchronizes users and groups in a security domain with the users and groups in the LDAP directory service.
  addNameSpace: Adds the new Namespace/security domainin the LDAP configuration
  deleteNameSpace: Deletes the existing Namespace of given name.
  exportUsersAndGroups: Exports native users and groups to an XML file.
  importUsersAndGroups: Imports native users and groups into the domain.
  listLDAPConnectivity: Lists the connection information for an LDAP server.
  setLDAPConnectivity: Sets up the connection to an LDAP server.
  updateNameSpace: Updates the existing Namespace. It takes user and group fiters and it will update the existing filters if provided

Service Process Commands
  disableServiceProcess: Disables the service process on a specified node.
  enableServiceProcess: Enables a service process on a specified node.
  getServiceProcessOption: Gets the value for a property on a PowerCenter Integration Service process running on a node.
  getServiceProcessStatus: Gets the status of an application service process on a node.
  updateServiceProcess: Updates the values of the PowerCenter Integration Service process options.

Domain Commands
  addDomainLink: Adds a link to the domain.
  addServiceLevel: Adds a service level.
  exportDomainObjects: Export Domain Objects
  getDomainSamlConfig: Returns the SAML authentication configuration for the domain.
  importDomainObjects: Import Domain Objects
  listDomainLinks: Lists the domains to which the local domain can connect.
  listDomainOptions: Lists general properties of the domain.
  listServiceLevels: Lists the service levels defined for the domain.
  removeDomainLink: Removes a linked domain.
  removeServiceLevel: Removes a service level.
  updateDomainOptions: Updates domain general properties.
  updateServiceLevel: Updates service level properties.
  version: Product version.

Licensing Commands
  addLicense: Adds a license to the domain.
  assignLicense: Assigns a license to an application service.
  assignedToLicense: Lists the services assigned to a license.
  listLicenses: Lists the licenses in the domain.
  removeLicense: Removes a license the domain.
  showLicense: Displays license details.
  unassignLicense: Removes a license from an application service.
  updateLicense: Updates license information for the domain.

Repository Service Commands
  createRepositoryService: Creates a PowerCenter Repository Service in the domain.
  listRepositoryLDAPConfiguration: Lists the connection information for an LDAP server.
  setRepositoryLDAPConfiguration: Updates the LDAP server configuration options for a PowerCenter repository.
  updateRepositoryService: Updates or creates service options for the PowerCenter Repository Service.

PowerCenter Integration Service Commands
  createIntegrationService: Creates a PowerCenter Integration Service in the domain.
  updateIntegrationService: Updates the configuration properties for the PowerCenter Integration Service.

Operating System Profile Commands
  assignDefaultOSProfile: Assign a default operating system profile to a user or group.
  createOSProfile: Creates an operating system profile in the domain.
  listDefaultOSProfiles: List the default operating system profiles for the given user or group.
  listOSProfiles: Lists the operating system profiles in the domain.
  removeOSProfile: Removes an operating system profile from the domain.
  unassignDefaultOSProfile: Remove the default operating system profile that is assigned to a user or group.
  updateOSProfile: Updates properties for an operating system profile in the domain.

System Commands
  ping: Pings a domain, service, domain gateway host, or node.
  runCpuProfile: Calculates the CPU profile for a node.
  updateGatewayInfo: Updates gateway node connectivity information in the domains.infa file.

Web Services Hub Commands
  assignRSToWSHubService: Associates a PowerCenter repository with a Web Services Hub in the domain.
  createWSHubService: Creates a Web Services Hub in the domain.
  unassignRSWSHubService: Disassociates a PowerCenter repository from a Web Services Hub in the domain.
  updateWSHubService: Updates a Web Services Hub in the domain.

Metadata Manager Service Commands
  assignISToMMService: Assigns the associated PowerCenter Integration Service to a Metadata Manager Service.
  createMMService: Creates a Metadata Manager Service in the domain.
  unassignISMMService: Disassociates a PowerCenter Integration Service from a Metadata Manager Service.
  updateMMService: Updates or creates the service options for a Metadata Manager Service.

Connection commands
  addConnectionPermissions: Assigns connection permissions to a user or a group.
  createConnection: Defines a connection and the connection options.
  generateHadoopConnectionFromHiveConnection: Generates Hadoop connection from Hive pushdown connections.
  listConnectionOptions: Lists options for a connection.
  listConnectionPermissions: Lists the permissions that a user or group has for a connection.
  listConnectionPermissionsByGroup: Lists all groups that have permissions on a connection and lists the type of permissions.
  listConnectionPermissionsByUser: Lists all users that have permissions on a connection and lists the type of permissions.
  listConnections: Lists connection names by type.
  removeConnection: Removes a connection from the domain.
  removeConnectionPermissions: Removes connection permissions for a user or a group.
  renameConnection: Renames a connection.
  setConnectionPermissions: Assigns permissions on connection to a user or a group after removing previous permissions.
  updateConnection: Updates a connection.

SAP BW Service Commands
  createSAPBWService: Creates an SAP BW Service in the domain.
  updateSAPBWService: Updates the service and service process options for the SAP BW Service.

Alert commands
  addAlertUser: Subscribes a user to alert notification emails.
  listAlertUsers: Lists users that subscribe to alerts.
  listSMTPOptions: Lists SMTP settings for the outgoing mail server.
  removeAlertUser: Unsubscribes a user from alert notification emails.
  updateSMTPOptions: Updates SMTP settings.

Monitoring Commands:
  listMonitoringOptions: List monitoring general properties
  updateMonitoringOptions: Updates general properties to monitor actions in the domain.

Feature Commands
  validateFeature: Validate the Feature against the Domain registry.

Help Commands:

Documentation / Reference

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