Kafka - Cli

Kafka Commit Log Messaging Process


The cli is an utility to manage:

from the command line.

Cli is a linux only tool. On Windows platforms use bin\windows\ instead of bin/, and change the script extension to .bat



confluent start

The equivalent commands to start every service in its own terminal, without using the CLI are:

# Start ZooKeeper.  Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/zookeeper-server-start ./etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties
# Start Kafka.  Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/kafka-server-start ./etc/kafka/server.properties
# Start Schema Registry. Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/schema-registry-start ./etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties
# Start Connect in distributed mode. Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/connect-distributed ./etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties




confluent help



To completely delete any data produced and start on a clean slate, you may run confluent destroy instead.

Documentation / Reference

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Kafka Commit Log Messaging Process
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