This page is showing snippet on how to manage media
Image in page via Renderer
Via the renderer, you have the internalmedia and externalmedia method.
Image in a page via instructions
From plugin-medialist
protected function _lookup_linked_media($id) {
$linked_media = array();
if (!page_exists($id)) {
//msg('MediaList: page "'. hsc($id) . '" not exists!', -1);
if (auth_quickaclcheck($id) >= AUTH_READ) {
// get the instructions
$ins = p_cached_instructions(wikiFN($id), true, $id);
// get linked media files
foreach ($ins as $node) {
if ($node[0] == 'internalmedia') {
$id = cleanID($node[1][0]);
$fn = mediaFN($id);
if (!file_exists($fn)) continue;
$linked_media[] = array(
'id' => $id,
'size' => filesize($fn),
'mtime' => filemtime($fn),
'type' => $node[0],
} elseif ($node[0] == 'externalmedia') {
$linked_media[] = array(
'id' => $node[1][0],
'size' => null,
'mtime' => null,
'type' => $node[0],
return array_unique($linked_media, SORT_REGULAR);
Pages using an image
On the Dokuwiki - Index, you can get the page using a image with:
$result = idx_get_indexer()->lookupKey('relation_media', $id);
Metadata gives the first image
The metadata firstimage gives the first image
$src = p_get_metadata($id,'relation firstimage');
if(!$flags['firstimage'] || !@file_exists(mediaFN($src))) {
return $this->getConf('default_image');