Dokuwiki - Cache Dev configuration

Card Puncher Data Processing


Cache Structure

Cache.php structure:

Dokuwiki Cache Class


In cache.php, set $_nocache to true

 * Generic handling of caching
class cache {
    public $key = '';          // primary identifier for this item
    public $ext = '';          // file ext for cache data, secondary identifier for this item
    public $cache = '';        // cache file name
    public $depends = array(); // array containing cache dependency information,
                               //   used by _useCache to determine cache validity

    var $_event = '';       // event to be triggered during useCache
    var $_time;
    var $_nocache = true;  // if set to true, cache will not be used or stored


Disable the whole render cache by setting the cache page time to -1.



in cache.php, instructions if ($conf['cachetime'] == -1)

No cache

It disable only XHTML cache (ie the rendering function), not the handle function.



When you are developing new JavaScript, be sure to refresh your browser cache (hitting Shift-F5, Shift+CTRL+R or similar) whenever your script was updated.

DokuWiki will load JavaScript from the following places:

  • autogenerated JavaScript (language strings, config settings, toolbar)
  • lib/scripts/*.js
  • lib/plugins/*/script.js
  • lib/tpl/<currenttemplate>/script.js
  • conf/userscript.js

Plugin !!! The script file is named script.js at the root directory of the plugin. If this file is an include as in the move plugin, be sure to touch this file when one of the scripts has been updated to refresh caching.

As the cache check the date of this file.

jQuery(function() {
    /* DOKUWIKI:include script/form.js */
    /* DOKUWIKI:include script/progress.js */
    /* DOKUWIKI:include script/tree.js */
    /* DOKUWIKI:include script/rename.js */
    /* DOKUWIKI:include script/admin_list.js */


Ctrl+F5 to suppress the browser cache because browsers cache stylesheets even when new versions are available.


Images caching

Local Server:


External Server with the cachetime config option



Turn off “Compact CSS and JavaScript files” while developing a template


clearstatcache file status cache

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