Hyperion Openldap - a service specific error occurred: 21.

Card Puncher Data Processing


Your Hyperion OpenLdap don't start and when you try to start it from a shell located Hyperion_HOME\products\Foundation\openLDAP\startOpenLdap.bat, you received this error :

The Hyperion Foundation OpenLDAP service is starting..
The Hyperion Foundation OpenLDAP service could not be started.

A service specific error occurred: 21.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.

Possible Solution Steps

Recover the database

You need to recover the database :

  • suppress the file alock in the database directory Hyperion_Home\products\Foundation\openLDAP\var\openldap-data
  • copy the file db_recover from the directory Hyperion_Home\products\Foundation\openLDAP\bdb\bin in the database directory Hyperion_Home\products\Foundation\openLDAP\var\openldap-data
  • run twice from a shell the command db_recvoer
Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

db_recover: Program version 4.2 doesn't match environment version



Restart the services

  1. start openldap
  2. start shared services
  3. Restart EAS Server


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