Eclipse - Project Facets

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A Facet is an Eclipse WebTools Project concept which essentially means a capability attached to an Eclipse project.

When a project is created, various information is assembled to:

  • specify the type of project,
  • add standard libraries,
  • set compiler options,
  • control publishing tasks,
  • set the build path
  • and/or add an annotation processor.

This information is specified with facets.

Facets have version numbers. Not all facet version numbers can be changed (e.g., a facet available in only one version of software can not have other version numbers).

Some facet version numbers are inter-dependent (e.g., if you choose the facet Java Annotation Processing, you must also have Java version 5.0 selected since Java versions 1.3 and 1.4 did not support annotation processing).

The facet choices vary depending on the project type. For example, web service facets are not available when creating an EJB project.


The JSF Facet supplies behaviours and capabilities that are associated with JSF.

The following features are available when the JSF facet is installed:

  • JSF Library configuration support
  • Application Configuration Management
  • JSP Source Page semantic validation and content assist for most of the JSF Core and JSF HTML tag library attribute values using Expression Language (EL) or not.
  • “Run on Server” support of a JSF JSP page

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