Jetty - Startup

Java Conceptuel Diagram


Start of Jetty

Command line Syntax

Usage: java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar [options] [properties] [configs]
       java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --help  # for more information


it is not recommended to run Jetty from the JETTY_HOME directory but from a separate {jetty.base} directory

cd jettyBase
java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar

This will start the server on http://localhost:8080 as usual from the current directory, or a different directory, simply changing '.' to the path to that directory.


List the resolved configuration that will be used to start Jetty.

java -jar start.jar --list-config

Documentation / Reference

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Java Conceptuel Diagram
Java - Jetty (Web Server)

is a java web server Jetty provides: an HTTP server (to send back static content), HTTP client (to make http request), and javax.servlet container (to send back...

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