Php - Constant

Card Puncher Data Processing


Language - (Variable) Constant in PHP


See Php - Object

Static Member

Class Constants differ from normal static variables in that you don't use the $ symbol to declare or use them.

class MyClass
    const CONSTANT = 'constant value';

    function showConstant() {
        echo  static::CONSTANT . "\n";
echo  MyClass::CONSTANT;

Static Method

class MyClass

    static function showConstant() {
        echo 'constant value';

echo MyClass::showConstant();

Abstract Static Method

Abstract static method

abstract class MyClass

   public static abstract function getStaticValue(): string;

   public static function getName(): string
        return static::getStaticValue();


With reflection and the full path of the class (ie classname) and the constant function 1)

$staticValue = constant($className.'::'.$propertyName);


see also: Php - Define (Global Constant)

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Card Puncher Data Processing
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