Python - EasyInstall

Card Puncher Data Processing


Easy Install is deprecated. See Python - pip

Easy_Install install regular package

old Python - Distutils tool ?

EasyInstall install egg distribution

making package easyinstall ready



easy_install --help
Global options:
  --verbose (-v)  run verbosely (default)
  --quiet (-q)    run quietly (turns verbosity off)
  --dry-run (-n)  don't actually do anything
  --help (-h)     show detailed help message
  --no-user-cfg   ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory

Options for 'easy_install' command:
  --prefix                   installation prefix
  --zip-ok (-z)              install package as a zipfile
  --multi-version (-m)       make apps have to require() a version
  --upgrade (-U)             force upgrade (searches PyPI for latest versions)
  --install-dir (-d)         install package to DIR
  --script-dir (-s)          install scripts to DIR
  --exclude-scripts (-x)     Don't install scripts
  --always-copy (-a)         Copy all needed packages to install dir
  --index-url (-i)           base URL of Python Package Index
  --find-links (-f)          additional URL(s) to search for packages
  --build-directory (-b)     download/extract/build in DIR; keep the results
  --optimize (-O)            also compile with optimization: -O1 for "python -
                             O", -O2 for "python -OO", and -O0 to disable
                             [default: -O0]
  --record                   filename in which to record list of installed
  --always-unzip (-Z)        don't install as a zipfile, no matter what
  --site-dirs (-S)           list of directories where .pth files work
  --editable (-e)            Install specified packages in editable form
  --no-deps (-N)             don't install dependencies
  --allow-hosts (-H)         pattern(s) that hostnames must match
  --local-snapshots-ok (-l)  allow building eggs from local checkouts
  --version                  print version information and exit
  --no-find-links            Don't load find-links defined in packages being
  --user                     install in user site-package

usage: easy_install [options] requirement_or_url ...
   or: easy_install --help


Documentation / Reference

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