Python - Pypa (Python Packaging Authority)

Card Puncher Data Processing

Python - Pypa (Python Packaging Authority)


The Python Packaging Authority are the group of developers and documentation authors responsible for the maintenance and evolution of the standard packaging tools and the associated metadata and file format standards.

Documentation / Reference

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Code Shipping - (Repository | Registry)

A repository is a storage location where artifacts are stored. repository of codeartifact (ie library, package,... The repository can be: local to your local computer remote Example: Maven Central,...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Python - Packages (Archive, Distribution)

in Python Packages (or better Distribution package) are the result of the packaging of a project that may contains one or more (regular) package regular packageregular package A package is a compressed...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Python Package - Repository (index)

in Python A repository in Python is also called an index. The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language. Every version control system....

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