Code Shipping - Archive (Distribution) in Python
Packages (or better Distribution package) are the result of the packaging of a project that may contains one or more (regular) package
Not to confound with regular package which are parents of modules. One distribution package may contains several regular package.
A package is a compressed tarball file that contains:
- system-level libraries,
- Python or other modules,
- executable programs and other components.
Articles Related
Wheel and Egg are both binary packaging formats created from compiled python file.
- The Egg format was introduced by setuptools in 2004
- The Wheel format was introduced by PEP 427 in 2012.
Wheel is currently considered the standard for built and binary packaging for Python.
- http://py2exe.org/ - converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs
First update the tools
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
In a binary format
You can install your package:
pip install package_name
pip install "requirement-specifiers"
# Example
pip install "pyspark == 2.2.2"
- with easy_install (deprecated)
easy_install package
From a tarball / source
- with setup.py
cd /rootOfProject
python setup.py install
# or
setup.py install
- from a branch with pip
pip install https://github.com/myName/myPackage/tarball/master
pip install https://github.com/myName/myPackage/tarball/X.X.X
- by downloading the source
curl --location --output myPackage-X.X.X.tar.gz https://github.com/myName/myPackage/tarball/X.X.X
tar xvfz myPackage-X.X.X.tar.gz
cd myPackage
# as script
python myScript.py args
# as package
pip install .
- From version control
pip install -e git+https://git.repo/some_pkg.git#egg=SomeProject # from git
pip install -e hg+https://hg.repo/some_pkg.git#egg=SomeProject # from mercurial
pip install -e svn+svn://svn.repo/some_pkg/trunk/#egg=SomeProject # from svn
pip install -e git+https://git.repo/some_pkg.git@feature#egg=SomeProject # from a branch
where: VCS:
- are detected using url prefixes: “git+”, “hg+”, “bzr+”, “svn+”.
- command are required in the path: git, hg, svn, or bzr.
- -e means development mode
Installation Location
Install location
default global site-packages directory
(for instance /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages)
This is the pip default
Example: install global of myPackage
pip install myPackage
The user location :
- Default to ~/.local/, or %APPDATA%\Python on Windows. (See the Python documentation for site.USER_BASE for full details.)
- or via the env PYTHONUSERBASE
The package are then installed at USER_HOME/pythonX.X/site-packages/
To install in a user location, use the --user option of pip
pip install --user virtualenv
Virtual environment
When working in a virtual environment, the package will be installed in it. See Python - virtualenv (Python Environment / venv)
See the –update option of pip
Example: upgrade the setuptools and wheel package
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
Packaging task management, see setup.py cli