Regular Expression - Greedy Quantifier



Greedy quantifier

A Greedy quantifier will match the longest possible string (ie they consume as much input as possible) whereas Lazy quantifier will match the shortest possible string. Match as few as possible, repeat as few times as possible.


* Matches 0 or more occurrences
of the preceding element. See Regexp - Star
ab*c matches ac, abc, abbc, abbbc, and so on
+ Matches 1 or more occurrences
of the preceding element
ab+c matches abc, abbc, abbbc, and so on, but not ac
? Matches 0 or 1 occurrence
of the preceding element
colou?r matches both color and colour
{ start min/max quantifier
} end min/max quantifier
{m} Matches exactly m times
{m,} Matches at least m times
{m,n} Matches at least m times but no more than n times


Hello World

For example in the termhello

  • the greedy h.+l matches hell
  • but the lazy h.+?l matches hel.


<em>Hello World</em>
  • The greedy pattern <.+> will match Hello World

  • The lazy pattern <.+?> will match and

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