mapviewer |
ORACLE MAPS is a newly developed Javascript library (as part of the Mapviewer.ear) with a lot of nice functions very similar to those we know from Google Maps. This puts us developers in the comfortable position to develop Web2.0 applications with the “location” and “maps” in the focus - and this very productive (means: quick and smart).
Example Oracle Maps The most important functions available for the maps:
- Move the map in the map-region by means of left-mouse-click down and moving mouse
- Overview Window - inside map, collapsible - outside map - 2 styles
- Legend Window - inside map, collabsible
- Navigation Panel, small, medium, large - position west, East, 2 styles - Slider or +/- or Mouse wheel
- Scale Bar - miles or km,
- Static text at border of map like copyright
- Info Window for FOI, 2 Layouts, adjustable, content/columns may be defined (in Mapbuilder)
- FOI based on “Theme” (Query on table)
- dynamic FOI thru JDBC theme (an SQL query drives the FOI objects)
- Show/Hide - Add Remove FOI
- Marquee Zoom - zoom to a draw rectangular area (2 styles)
- Dynamic change of Marker styles
- Pie, Bar chart inside map (BI function) - circles (FOI) in map, size depending on FOI data (e.g. big circle: high revenue, small circle: low revenue)
- Bounding Theme –> all FOI's - zoom-out
- Move an FOI (e.g. where a vehicle has moved…)
- Mapcache may be defined
- External Cache may be used to access/integrate WMS (Web Map Services)
- Mixture of XML, CSV and Spatial data for objects in map is possible
- Zoomlevels may be defined as per Mapcache
- Event Listener (Mouseclick in map–> Trigger event)
- and a lot more.