BIP 11G - Diagnostic

Card Puncher Data Processing


Common “not found” errors after a migration

Log file:

  • 11g: fmw_home/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/servers/bi_server1/logs/bipublisher
  • 10g: the console of OC4J


Data Model definition not found

The report cannot be rendered because of an error, please contact the administrator.
Error Detail
oracle.xdo.servlet.CreateException: Data Model definition not found:/Account Activity in Resource.xdm

Edit the report. The data model name should be in red. Simple click the search option and reselect the data model.

Thanks to Kevin Pinsky

java.rmi.RemoteException: U9KP7Q94: Path not found

"oracle.xdo.XDOException: oracle.xdo.XDOException: java.rmi.RemoteException: U9KP7Q94: Path not found"

Edit the data model and change the path

Bip 11g Oracle.xdo.xdoexception Path Not Found

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