Azure - Cli

Card Puncher Data Processing


The Azure cli command utility. The Azure portal (web-based admin panel) at the command line.

  • The CLI 1.0 start with azure.
  • The CLI 2.0 uses az.



Microsoft Installer

See Azure CLI 2.0 installation.

  • With the msi
where az
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\wbin\az.cmd


# Run it and get a bash prompt
docker run -it microsoft/azure-cli:latest
# Login in Azure 
# Commit the container
docker commit containerName gerardnico/azure-cli:latest
# Then mount the actual directory
SOURCE_MOUNT_POINT=$(cygpath -u $(readlink -f .))
docker run \
  -it \
  --rm \
  --mount type=bind,source=/$SOURCE_MOUNT_POINT,target=/wd \
# Then:
apk update
apk add curl
curl -L|tar -xzv -C /usr/local/bin/
apk add sshpass

More on Linux - apk (Alpine Package management)




npm install -g azure-cli
azure --help


docker run -it microsoft/azure-cli:0.10.17


  • C:\Users\username\.azure\azure.err

Sample Command

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