Azure - Disk

Card Puncher Data Processing


Linux - Disk (storage devices)


Attach a new disk to a VM

az vm disk attach -g myResourceGroup --vm-name myVM --disk myDataDisk \
  --new --size-gb 50

Attach an existing disk to a VM

# find the disk id
diskId=$(az disk show -g myResourceGroup -n myDataDisk --query 'id' -o tsv)
az vm disk attach -g myResourceGroup --vm-name myVM --disk $diskId


az disk list \
    --resource-group ResouceGroupName \
    --query '[*].{Name:name,Gb:diskSizeGb,Tier:accountType}' \
    --output table
Name                                                      Gb
-------------------------------------------------------  ----
EIC_01                                                    40
INFA-AXON-01_OsDisk_1_b487c270774d4284a55df8365d592ee8    32
INFA-BDM-01_OsDisk_1_0b37559918c54943aabb1eec3289b96c     32
INFA-EIC-01_OsDisk_1_864ca12b6026420f93d7867d62bde215     64
MSFT-DB-01_OsDisk_1_d686b617081d4239b05b58ab09ac151c      32

Update / Resize

az disk update \
    --resource-group myResourceGroup \
    --name myDataDisk \
    --size-gb 200


/mnt/resource is the mount point of a temporary disk /dev/sdb1.


  • higher input/output operations per second (IOPS).
  • handle swap file operations.


  • Size: The size of the disk varies based on the size of the VM (a larger VM will have a larger temporary resource disk)
  • temporary: Do not store anything

Documentation / Reference

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