Hive - Configuration (Variable)

Card Puncher Data Processing

Hive - Configuration (Variable)


Configuration variable in Hive

Hive follows the Hadoop configuration guideline.


Level of persistence


The configuration are variable

You can then use the set command to see or set them

Example: Which engine ?

set hive.execution.engine;
|            set             |
| hive.execution.engine=tez  |


–hiveconf options. Example for the scratch directory

bin/hive or bin/beeline --hiveconf hive.exec.scratchdir=/tmp/mydir


hive --hiveconf hive.tez.container.size=1024


See Hive - hive-site.xml





  • All
-- Show only the value set
-- Show only the value not set with their default.
set -v;
  • One: Which engine ?
set hive.execution.engine;
|            set             |
| hive.execution.engine=tez  |


The SHOW CONF command is a SQL command. You need to be connected.

show conf 'hive.execution.engine' ;
| default  |  type   |                                                             desc                                                              |
| mr       | STRING  | Expects one of [mr, tez, spark]. Chooses execution engine. Options are: mr (Map reduce, default), tez (hadoop 2 only), spark  |


Example of Hive Home location:

  • /etc/hive/
  • Hortonworks distribution
export HIVE_CONF_DIR=${HIVE_CONF_DIR:-/usr/hdp/current/hive-client/conf}

Documentation / Reference

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