WebHCat ((or Templeton) service is a REST operation based API for HCatalog.
WebHCat provides a service that you can use to run Hadoop MapReduce (or YARN), Pig, Hive jobs or perform Hive metadata operations using an HTTP (REST style) interface.
WebHCat is a REST interface for remote job execution, such as:
WebHCat translates the job submission requests into YARN applications, and returns a status derived from the YARN application status.
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- On a HdInsight Azure cluster
curl -u admin:{HTTP PASSWD} https://{CLUSTERNAME}.azurehdinsight.net/templeton/v1/status?user.name=admin
in the /var/log/webhcat directory:
- webhcat.log is the log4j log to which server writes logs. Each webhcat.log is rolled over daily, generating files named webhcat.log.YYYY-MM-DD.
- webhcat-console.log is the stdout of the server when started
- webhcat-console-error.log is the stderr of the server process
To list the network connections to and from WebHCat:
netstat | grep 30111
30111 is the port WebHCat listens on. The number of open sockets should be less than 10.
BadGateway (502 status code)
This is a generic message from gateway nodes.
- Is the service running ? See check