Sport - (Food|Eat)

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What to Eat Before Running

High calorie

Foods like donuts and bacon are addictive. High calorie foods overload the brain’s pleasure center - The more you eat, the more you want

After the training

In the first couple of hours after a training run, the body secretes a special enzyme which enhances the ability of the liver and muscles to store away carbohydrate. It is in this window when you need to consume high carbohydrate foods to restock your glycogen (stored carbohydrate) levels so that your legs are ready to train again next time.

So, after the shower, get some carbs in you as well as some protein to help rebuild those damaged muscle fibres.

Avoid skipping meals

Avoid skipping meals to avoid becoming ravenous and losing control over your intake at the next meal.

Eat slowly

It takes 20 minutes for the brain to register satiety

Fill plate

  • Smaller plates filled with one-fifth to one-third less food than usual.
  • Fill most of the plate with foods like vegetables and salads that are rich in nutrients rather than calories.

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