Mapviewer - Cache Configuration

Card Puncher Data Processing


When you have a cache problem because you have change the metadata with Mapviewer Builder, I find that you must :

  • simply restart the Mapviewer Application.
  • purge the theme

Even if you read “Current in-memory geometry cache size: 0 KB”, you must purge the theme.

Mapviewer Purge Metadata Geometry


Map Viewer

In the configuration file of Mapviewer Before you develop, be sure, you don't have any cache. To disable it, you must set the cache value to 0.

<spatial_data_cache   max_cache_size="0" report_stats="false"  />

Map Tile Layers

Mapviewer Cache Maptilelayer

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Card Puncher Data Processing
MapViewer - Configuration

This paragraph talk the management of the mapviewer configuration file : in OC4J: oc4j_home\j2ee\home\applications\mapviewer\web\WEB-INF\conf\mapViewerConfig.xml in Weblogic: fmw/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/jee/mapviewer.ear/web.war/WEB-INF/conf/mapViewerConfig.xmllinkMapViewer...

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