The Metadata for Mapviewer are design with the tool map builder
Articles Related
User and MDSYS View | MDSYS Table | Definition |
user_sdo_styles | sdo_styles_table | this view stores individual map symbols and other types of styles such as: LINE patterns, COLOR definitions, and thematic mapping styles |
user_sdo_themes | sdo_themes_table | this view stores the definitions of individual map layers or themes. A theme is always based on a data table or view, and specifies what rendering and labeling styles to be used. |
user_sdo_maps | sdo_maps_table | this view stores the definitions of base maps. Each base map contains a list of themes. It specifies the display order and on/off status of each theme at various map scales. |
connect <username/password>
create table styles as select * from user_sdo_styles;
create table themes as select * from user_sdo_themes;
create table maps as select * from user_sdo_maps;
create table cached_maps as select * from user_sdo_cached_maps;
exp <username/password> file=mapviewer_meta.dmp tables=(styles,themes,maps,cached_maps)
Documentation / Reference
- Public User Synonym Come from the file mvdemo.sql from the demo zip file and from this excellent guide (Integration with OBIEE) )