A JRE is just a dependency
Therefore you can upload it to a repository and use it in your build.
Articles Related
Define the unique identifier
With a file named jre-1.7.80-windows-x64.zip, we will get the following artifact coordinates:
Get the JRE from the Oracle website and repackage it to get:
- a zip file named jre-1.7.80-windows-x64.zip
- with only one sub directory named jre.
With the deploy-file goal, you can deploy it to a remote repository.
mvn deploy:deploy-file \
-Durl=scp://host:22/home/gerardni-m2repo \
-DrepositoryId=m2-repo \
-Dfile="pathTo/jre-1.7.80-windows-x64.zip" \
-DartifactId=jre \
-Dversion=1.7.80 \
-Dpackaging=zip \
Build (get and unzip)
Add the below plugin dependency configuration to your pom.xml in order to unpack (ie unzip)
Add the JRE to the zip
With the assmbly plugin, add the following fileset in your descriptor file: