- environmentVariable, for instance JAVA_HOME
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.4.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/decoration-1.4.0.xsd"
name=.. >
<publishDate position=.. format=.. />
<version position=.. />
<logo name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. />
<!-- maven-fluido-skin. style, based on Twitter Bootstrap -->
<!-- http://maven.apache.org/skins/maven-fluido-skin/ -->
<item name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. />
<item name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. />
<menu name=.. inherit=.. inheritAsRef=.. ref=.. img=.. alt=.. position=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. title=.. >
<item collapse=.. ref=.. name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. >
<!-- There is also preset menus -->
<!-- a menu with links to all the generated reports for your project -->
<menu ref="reports" />
<!-- a menu with a link to the parent project's site -->
<menu ref="parent" />
<!-- a menu containing the links to the sites of the submodules of this project -->
<menu ref="modules" />
Creating contentDirectory Structure
+- src/
+- site/
+- apt/
| +- index.apt
+- fml/
| +- general.fml
| +- faq.fml
+- xdoc/
| +- other.xml
+- markdown/
| +- readme.md
+- A markup language ..../
| +- ....
+- site.xml
You can add any arbitrary resource by including them in a resources directory as shown below. Additional CSS files can be picked up when they are placed in the css directory within the resources directory.
+- src/
+- site/
+- resources/
+- css/
| +- site.css
+- images/
+- pic1.jpg
To generate the (web)site, just use the mvn tool with the site phase as argument:- default where the result will be generated in the following directory: target/site.
mvn site
- to get multi-modular project site in one folder.
mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=C:\TEMP\fullsite
Doxia supports several output formats, the site plugin only creates XHTML.After running 'mvn site:site' you will end up with this in your target directory:
+- target/
+- site/
+- css/
+- images/
+- index.html
+- general.html
+- faq.html
+- other.html
The css and images directories contain stylesheets and images from the skin being used. Documentation / Reference