OBIEE - biserverxmlcli (online Modifications)

Bi Server Architecture With Client


biserverxmlcli update a repository online.


biserverxmlcli  -R repository_password -U userid [-P password] -D data_source_name [-W ssl_pass_phra
se | -Y]  {-I XUDML_script_pathname | -X MDSDocDir} [-M] [-8] [-K]


  • -M is for MDS XUDML documents otherwise it expect a Xudml document.
  • -8 is for UTF-8
  • -Y is for user to type in the ssl passphrase to private key file
  • -K Keep the changes in memory. Prevent an immediate write to disk
  • -h Display this usage information and exit.


biserverxmlcli  -R OnlineAdminRepositoryPassword -U UserId -P UserPassword -D "The DSN" -I TheXUdmlFile.xml

No Output.



Error executing the XUDML transaction: [nQSError: 37005] Transactional update failed.


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