Generates an XML from an existing RPD.
With the utility biserverxmlexec, you can generate it back as binary repository (rpd)
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bi-init must be first started to give the environment variable context
bi_init.sh # or bi_init.bat
And you will see the usage:
biserverxmlgen [-P repository_password] -R repository_pathname {-O output_script_pathname | -D dire
ctory_name} [-8] [-M] [-N] [{-Q | -S}]
- -8 is for UTF-8
- -M is for generating a MDS XUDML file
- -D is for generating multiple MDS XUDML documents
Without the M and D flag, this utility will generate an XUDML file.
- -N is for not generating upgrade id if you want to create a new repository without the old upgrade ids.
- -Q is for generating script without security objects
- -S is for generating script for only security objects
If you use both -Q and -S, the second option on the call command takes precedence, and the first is ignored.
- -H Display this usage information and exit.
- -? Display this usage information and exit.
XUDML format
one XUDML file
OBIEE 11G - XUDML Format (Oracle BI Server XML API )
biserverxmlgen -P Admin123 -R "Exalytics.rpd" -O Xudml.xml
XUDML generation was successfull.
Example Output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<Repository xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Database name="WRITEBACK_COLUMN_NAMES" id="3023:300436" uid="4d5351d0-0c90-1000-8ca6-0a5088c60000" type="Oracle11g" dbName="Oracle 11g">
<Feature name="LEFT_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="FULL_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="NESTED_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="UNION_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<!-- .......... -->
Generating one XUDML file without Upgrade Id for an import
For an import in order to generate a patch file that can be executed with biserverxmlcli
biserverxmlgen -P Admin123 -R "Exalytics.rpd" -O XUdml.xml -N -8
XUDML generation was successfull.
MDS XML format
one MDS XML File
biserverxmlgen -P Admin123 -R "Exalytics.rpd" -O MdsXudml.xml -M
XUDML generation was successfull.
Example output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<DECLARE xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/obis/repository/admin">
<Database mdsid="m4d5351d0-0c90-1000-8ca6-0a5088c60000" name="WRITEBACK_COLUMN_NAMES" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/obis/repository" type="Oracle11g" dbName="Oracle 11g">
<Feature name="LEFT_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="FULL_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="NESTED_OUTER_JOIN_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="UNION_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="UNION_ALL_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<Feature name="COUNT_SUPPORTED" value="true"/>
<!-- ...-->
Generating multiple MDS XUDML documents
biserverxmlgen -P Admin123 -R "Exalytics.rpd" -D OutputDirectory
XUDML generation was successfull.