dsqgen translates the query templates into fully functional SQL, which is known as executable query text (EQT).
dsqgen can create:
- one executable query text (EQT). See one_query
Articles Related
Since some common SQL features do not have ANSI standard forms (e.g. “LIMIT” and “BEGIN/COMMIT”), the dsqgen utility must be told which “dialect” to use. The following “dialect templates” are supported:
- db2.tpl,
- netezza.tpl,
- oracle.tpl,
- sqlserver.tpl
The following information are mandatory:
- a distribution file.
- By default the tpcds.idx file (in the current working dir)
- or the distribution option given at the command line
- a dialect file.
- By default, the ansi.tpl file (in query_templates_dir)
- or the dialect option given at the command line
- and either:
- a TEMPLATE option for the generation of one SQL query
- or INPUT for the generation of a SQL stream
Help on Windows:
dsqgen.exe /help
qgen2 Population Generator (Version 2.8.0)
Copyright Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) 2001 - 2018
USAGE: qgen2 [options]
Note: When defined in a parameter file (using -p), parmeters should
use the form below. Each option can also be set from the command
line, using a form of '/param [optional argument]'
Unique anchored substrings of options are also recognized, and
case is ignored, so '/sc' is equivalent to '/SCALE'
General Options
FILE = <s> -- read parameters from file <s>
VERBOSE = [Y|N] -- enable verbose output
HELP = [Y|N] -- display this message
OUTPUT_DIR = <s> -- write query streams into directory <s>
QUIET = [Y|N] -- suppress all output (for scripting)
STREAMS = <n> -- generate <n> query streams/versions
INPUT = <s> -- read template names from <s>
SCALE = <n> -- assume a database of <n> GB
LOG = <s> -- write parameter log to <s>
QUALIFY = [Y|N] -- generate qualification queries in ascending order
Advanced Options
DISTRIBUTIONS = <s> -- read distributions from file <s>
PATH_SEP = <s> -- use <s> to separate path elements
RNGSEED = <n> -- seed the RNG with <n>
RELEASE = [Y|N] -- display QGEN release info
TEMPLATE = <s> -- build queries from template <s> ONLY
COUNT = <n> -- generate <n> versions per stream (used with TEMPLATE)
DEBUG = [Y|N] -- minor debugging outptut
FILTER = [Y|N] -- write generated queries to stdout
DIALECT = <s> -- include query dialect defintions found in <s>.tpl
DIRECTORY = <s> -- look in <s> for templates
One Query
The following example generates a SQL file (named query_0.sql) from the query1 template for a 100GB database using Oracle syntax.
- Linux
dsqgen `
–template query1.tpl `
–directory query_templates `
–dialect oracle `
–scale 100
- Windows (With relative path)
dsqgen ^
/template "..\query_templates\query1.tpl" ^
/scale 100 ^
/directory "..\query_templates"
Documentation / Reference
- See QGEN.doc in test directory