TPC-DS - Power Test

Tpc Ds Data Flow


A Power Test consists of exactly one query session running a single query stream.

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Tpc Ds Data Flow
Substitution Parameter

The is a query property that describes the substitution values needed to generate the executable query text within Each query has one or more substitution parameters. Dsqgen must be used to generate...
Tpcds Row Count
TPC-DS - Load Test

The Load Test is defined as all activity required to bring the System Under Test to the configuration that immediately precedes the beginning of the Performance Test. The Load Test must not include the...
Tpc Ds Data Flow
TPC-DS - Performance Test

The Performance Test is defined as: the Power Test, both Throughput Tests and both Data Maintenance Tests. This workload is characterized by: Sequential scans of large amounts of data; Aggregation...
Tpc Ds Data Flow
TPC-DS - Query Session

A query session is a session executing activity on behalf of: a Power Test or a Throughput Test. The communication between the driver and the SUT is limited to one session per query. These sessions...

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