Git - Reset (Unstaging) - Delete a change for the next commit



Delete a file from the staging area (files to be commited)

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Git - Add command (Staging) - Add a change to the next commit

Add file contents to the staging area (known also as the index). This statement will add all files and any new untracked files.
Git Commit Tree Data Model
Git - Commit

A commit in git is an object that stores the information : who saved the file system snapshots, when they were saved, why they were saved. the commiter the author the parent commit It's...
Git - Head (Head Branch | Branch Head) / Last commit

The head is the last commit of a branch. while the HEAD (in uppercase) is the head of the current branch (active branch). headHEADcurrent branch page In the example below, the branch head of: ...
Git File Lifecycle
What is the Git File Status?

The status of a file in a working directory is one of: where: State Tracked Description untracked New file unmodified Tracked File is the same as in the last commit modified Tracked File...
What is the Git Staging area (or index)? The Proposed next commit

The staging area is a tree file called index that stores information to create the next commit. The index is like a pre-commit. The index holds a snapshot of the content of the working tree. You must...

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