Oracle Apex - Application (flows)

Card Puncher Data Processing


An application is an HTML interface that exists on top of database objects such as tables or procedures



In the URL, the application number is the first number in the parameter sequence, followed by the page number (the f?p syntax section)

See the variable APP_ID


An alternate alphanumeric application identifier. You can use this identifier in place of the application ID. For example, suppose you create an alias of myapp for application 105. Using f?p syntax, you could call application 105 as either:

  • f?p=105:1
  • f?p=myapp:1

See the variable APP_ALIAS


Using Application Builder you can create different types of applications:

Type Audience
Database applications developers
Websheet applications end users
Packaged Application developers


A database application is a collection of pages.


Apex is developed with Apex and has then several application. The export files of this application are located in

Apex File Application
f4000.sql 4000 Oracle APEX AppBuilder
f4050.sql 4050 Oracle APEX Internal Administration
f4155.sql 4155 Scheme Authentication Login
f4300.sql 4300 Oracle APEX Data Workshop
f4350.sql 4350 Oracle APEX Workspace Administration
f4400.sql 4400 Oracle APEX Application Migration
f4411.sql 4411 Oracle APEX System Messages and Native Types
f4500.sql 4500 Oracle APEX SQL Workshop
f4550.sql 4550 Oracle APEX Login
f4600.sql 4600 Oracle Application Express Learn More
f4700.sql 4700 Oracle APEX New Service Signup
f4800.sql 4800 Oracle APEX Team Development
f4850.sql 4850 RESTful Services
f4900.sql 4900 Oracle APEX Websheets

For their installation, see Oracle Apex - Sample App


The application metadata are stored in the wwv_flows table.

Example: All Interne Application:

select id, name from wwv_flows where id >= 4000 order by id;
4000 Oracle APEX AppBuilder
4050 Oracle APEX Internal Administration
4155 Scheme Authentication Login
4300 Oracle APEX Data Workshop
4350 Oracle APEX Workspace Administration
4400 Oracle APEX Application Migration
4411 Oracle APEX System Messages and Native Types
4500 Oracle APEX SQL Workshop
4550 Oracle APEX Login
4600 Oracle Application Express Learn More
4700 Oracle APEX New Service Signup
4800 Oracle APEX Team Development
4850 RESTful Services
4900 Oracle APEX Websheets
8950 Sample Database Application
8951 Collection Showcase

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