Oracle Apex - File (Upload and Download)

Card Puncher Data Processing

Upload Steps

Create a file browse item

  • create a blank page
  • create an HTML region
  • create page item (file browse) named PXX_FILE_NAME
  • set the settings
Settings Description
Value Required If select Yes and the page item is visible, Oracle Application Express automatically performs a NOT NULL validation when the page is submitted
Storage Type Identify where the uploaded file is stored
MIME Type Column Specify the name of the column where the MIME type of the uploaded file should be stored
Filename Column Specify the name of the column where the file name of the uploaded file should be stored
Character Set Column Specify the name of the column where the character set of the uploaded file should be stored
BLOB Last Updated Column Specify the name of the column to update with the current time stamp when a file is uploaded The character set of the BLOB is not automatically set on upload. See Apex
Download Link (in case of update)
Display Download Link Select Yes to display the download link next to the Browse button
Download Link Text Text used for the download link
Content Disposition Determines if the downloaded content is displayed inline within the Browser window or if a Open dialog displays

Oracle Apex File Browse Display Download Link

Extra columns DataType

CHARSET      VARCHAR2(128));

Character set

The character set of the BLOB is not automatically set on upload. To store the character set value for your BLOB, you must provide an additional page item on your page which is bound to the column you use to store the character set, and where the user will be able to specify the character set for the document they are uploading.



APEX_UTIL.GET_FILE Procedure from the Oracle Application Express file repository.

The APEX_UTIL.GET_FILE_ID Function function obtains the primary key of a file in the Oracle Application Express file repository.


The APEX_UTIL.GET_BLOB_FILE_SRC function gives the ability to more specifically format the display of the image (with height and width tags).


Oracle Apex Blob Download Format Mask

Documentation / Reference

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