R - List

Card Puncher Data Processing


The list in R may contain elements of the different class (just like a data frame)

Collection of object which must have the same class of objects are:

data.tables and data.frames are internally lists with all its columns of equal length and with a class attribute.


myList = list(object,object,...)  


  • List
> v = list("Nico has",40,"year")
> v
[1] "Nico has"

[1] 40

[1] "year"
  • List of vector (for the dimension of a matrix
dimnames = list(c("Row1", "Row2"), c("Col1", "Col2", "Col3"))
> dimnames
[1] "Row1" "Row2"

[1] "Col1" "Col2" "Col3"



names: Functions to get or set the variable name of a value.

l = list(name = "Nico", age = 40)
[1] "Nico"

[1] 40

> names(l)
[1] "name" "age" 

  • You can access the value then by name
[1] "Nico"

How to


Example using the subset operators

> l = list(name = c("Nico","Mad","Mel"), age = c(40,7,4), colour=c("Red","Blue","Parse"))
> l
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 

[1] 40  7  4

[1] "Red"   "Blue"  "Parse"
  • Indexing by key (return a list)
> l[1]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 
  • Indexing by Name (return a list)
> l["name"]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 
  • Indexing by vector (return a list)
> name <- "name"
> l[name]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel"
  • Indexing by key and returning a vector
> l[[1]]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 
  • Indexing by name and returning a vector
> l$name
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 
# of
> l[["name"]]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 
  • Indexing by vector and returning a vector
> name <- "name"
> l[[name]]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel"
  • Retrieving the first and third elements in the list
> l[c(1,3)]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 

[1] "Red"   "Blue"  "Parse"
  • Retrieving the third element of the first element
[1] "Mel"
# of
> l[[1]][[3]]
[1] "Mel"
  • Partial Matching when retrieving a vector
> l[["n"]]
> l[["n", exact=FALSE]]
[1] "Nico" "Mad"  "Mel" 


lapply apply a function over an list.



> class(v)
[1] "list"


> l = list("Nico has",40,"year")
> length(l)
[1] 3


Data Structure

> l = list("Nico has",40,"year")
> str(v)
List of 3
 $ : chr "Nico has"
 $ : num 40
 $ : chr "year"

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