Docker - Installation

Card Puncher Data Processing


How I have installed and configured Docker in my Windows laptop:


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Ansible - Windows Installation

Ansible is not certified on Windows and will never. The best solution that we found was to run Ansible inside a docker container. To install it: Clone the repository...
Card Puncher Data Processing

Get and run the image Get in with URL: and admin/admin Get in with bash
Card Puncher Data Processing
Docker - Data Persistence

mount a file or directory of the host into a container. volume: mount a file or directory of the host machine into a container located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/ : mount a file or directory of the...
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Docker - Getting Started

install docker To generate this message, Docker took the following steps: 1- The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon. 2- The Docker daemon pulled the “hello-world” image from the Docker...
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Docker - Installation for Windows 7 (Docker Toolbox)

How I have installed and configured Docker in my Windows 7 laptop. The software for windows 7 is called Docker Toolbox. Before version Windows 10: Toolbox:...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Docker - Volume Mount

This page is a volume (file store) in Docker. A volume is one type of mount in docker. Volumes are one of the way of persisting data between container execution. They are file store on the host where...
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Docker - docker-machine

swarmdocker commandswarm command docker/machine Docker Machine is a command line client that lets you manage your Docker host (virtual host or machine, daemon) and install Docker Engine on them....
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Hortonworks - Hortonworks Data Platform 2-6-4 (HDP) installation on Docker Windows 7

A page on how to install the docker image of the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) This page is based on this Hortonworks...
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Kafka - Stream Word Count demo

Stream Word count demo adapted from the stream quickstart. Install docker: Map the hostname zookeeper and broker to your docker host...
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Kafka Connect - Sqlite in Distributed Mode

Sqlite JDBC source connector demo. The same steps than in the article but with a distributed worker Install Docker: Install Git: If you want to make the call with the kafka console utilities...

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