What is the Entrypoint (Main) in Docker?

Card Puncher Data Processing


This page is about the main entry in Docker.

The entry point script is the command (or script) called when creating a container from an image with the docker run command

When the entry point program exits, the VM is stopped (killed). A process needs to run in the foreground.



When you run docker like this:

docker run -i -t ubuntu bash 

Wrapper entrypoint.sh

The below script start a process before starting the command given at the command line.

It's a wrapper around the default entrypoint.

If you set the entrypoint in your dockerfile, you need to set it with the exec form otherwise you get no arguments.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo Starting the ssh-agent for convenience
eval `ssh-agent`

# Start the passed command ($*)
/bin/sh -c "$*"

Entrypoint vs Cmd

In the below excerpt of a Dockerfile, you can see the difference between:

  • the ENTRYPOINT (the command)
  • CMD (the arguments)

A dockerfile for Curl

# Set the entrypoint to curl

# Default argument
CMD ["https://www.example.com"]




docker run --entrypoint /script.sh repo/image

where: How to run a docker image with example to create a container?

Default (dockerfile)

The default entrypoint is defined by the ENTRYPOINT instruction.


docker inspect --format "{{range .Config.Entrypoint}}{{.}}{{end}}" (containerName|imageName)

Example on the image org/ubuntu:latest

docker inspect --format "{{range .Config.Entrypoint}}{{.}}{{end}}" org/ubuntu:latest

See Docker - Inspect

Multiple processes

How to start multiple processes in Docker?

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