Peer Dependencies is a dependency relationship indicating that the dependencies should be provided by parent in the dependency tree.
They are provided by the parent. ie
- a framework (Jquery, …)
- the HTML page
- the root of a monorepo
It indicates that:
- your (module|package) cannot be used without this dependency.
- the parent dependency should provide this dependency
- the dependency will not be available in the distributed artifact.
They model a parent-child relationship
- Plugin (for the parent, for instance, the jQuery framework)
- Workspace (for the root parent of the mono repo)
- Page (where the page provide the peer dependencies)
In Javascript Package - Package.json, they are declared in the peerDependencies property of the package.json file.
- You can add them also at the command line with your package manager. Example: yarn:
yarn add [package] --peer
Bundler - You may have to change the configuration of your bundler to exclude them. Example webpack