Logical Data Modeling - Element

Data System Architecture


An element is a constituent of a data model.




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Uml Note Symbol
Logical Data Modeling - Comment / Note

A note symbol is an element that content a comment. It permits to add context and extra information the model. In uml, it's shown as a rectangle with the upper right corner bent where the rectangle...
Data System Architecture
Logical Data Modeling - Container

A container is an element that contains others elements. It creates a containment relationship between the element that can be: (hierarchy) or (collection)
Data System Architecture
Logical Data Modeling - Containment relationship

A containement is a type of relationship between a container element and a content element that model a has a relationship There is two type of containment: physical (composition) aims to build an...
Data System Architecture
Logical Data Modeling - Data Structure

A data structure is a single data instance that: cannot be compared/represented by a single value have operations that follows rules represents an entity, a relationship or both. has two representations:...
Data System Architecture
Logical Data Modeling - Field

A field is a container for one or more values with: a identifier (name and/or position) and a data type You can see a field as: a variable with a data type a cell in a element set (ie in a...
Data System Architecture
Logical Data Modeling - Namespace (Hierarchical Entity Organization)

A namespace: is a space for a name is an element that contains a set of named element (ie element that can be identified by name) is a hierarchy relationship (tree) that provides organization capability...
Data System Architecture
Logical Data Modeling - Relationship

A relationship is a model element that relates two entities . In its simple form (semantic form), it's a description that has a verb such as: has consists of uses ... entityentity setrelationship...
Directed Relationship
Logical Data Modeling - Relationship Direction (Directed/Undirected)

The direction of a relationship shows if the relationship can be interpreted in one or both directions. There is only two options: - an asymmetric relation - a symmetric relation. A directed...
Data System Architecture
Logical Data Modeling - Set

A set in data modeling is a data structure that groups element (entity, value, relationship, ...) in a aggregation relationship. set data type See

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