Version Control - Tag

Card Puncher Data Processing


A tag is a snapshot of the whole source code at a current time.

A tag is generally made after a successful build on the master branch to release the code.

It's then called a named or numbered releases.

The creation of a tag in a continuous deployment environment will trigger the creation and distribution of the release artifact.

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Card Puncher Data Processing
Code Versioning - Release

A release is packaging your application under a version in a format that is suitable for the distribution channel. If you publish your application to: a package manager, you should create your application...
Git - Tag

This page is tagging in git Git has the ability to tag specific points in history as being important. Typically this functionality is used to mark release points (v1.0, and so on). Git uses two main...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Version Control System (VCS)

Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. Subversion (VSS) Bazaar...

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