Web Analytics - Custom Event

Card Puncher Data Processing


A custom event is:

  • an event that can not be categorized in other event type
  • (generally speaking) a user interaction that can be measured independently from a web page or screen load.



Google Anaytics


v=1              // Version.
&tid=UA-XXXXX-Y  // Tracking ID / Property ID.
&cid=555         // Anonymous Client ID.

&t=event         // Event hit type
&ec=video        // Event Category. Required.
&ea=play         // Event Action. Required.
&el=holiday      // Event label.
&ev=300          // Event value.
v=1                                   // Version.
&tid=UA-XXXXX-Y                       // Tracking ID / Property ID.
&cid=555                              // Anonymous Client ID.
&t=event                              // Event hit type.
&ec=UX                                // Event Category. Required.
&ea=click                             // Event Action. Required.
&el=Results                           // Event label.

&pa=click                             // Product action (click). Required.
&pal=Search%20Results                 // Product Action List.
&pr1id=P12345                         // Product 1 ID. Either ID or name must be set.
&pr1nm=Android%20Warhol%20T-Shirt     // Product 1 name. Either ID or name must be set.
&pr1ca=Apparel                        // Product 1 category.
&pr1br=Google                         // Product 1 brand.
&pr1va=Black                          // Product 1 variant.
&pr1ps=1                              // Product 1 position.
  • Video Play
ga('send', {
  hitType: 'event',
  eventCategory: 'Videos',
  eventAction: 'play',
  eventLabel: 'Fall Campaign'
  • Outbound link and forms: Measuring outbound links and forms can be tricky because most browsers will stop executing JavaScript on the current page once a new page starts to load. See Beacon
function handleOutboundLinkClicks(event) {
  ga('send', 'event', {
    eventCategory: 'Outbound Link',
    eventAction: 'click',
    eventLabel: event.target.href,
    transport: 'beacon'


In segment.io, a custom event is a called a track

Example of a track for a button.

analytics.track('Clicked CTA', {
  location: 'header',
  type: 'button'
  • There will then be a table named clicked_cta which can be queried
 FROM clicked_cta
  • To get the users that clicked, just join to the identifies table, which contains user data, through the user_id foreign key.
 FROM identifies i
 JOIN clicked_cta cc ON cc.user_id = i.user_id;


window.mixpanel.track("Song Played", { // the event or action the user performed
  name: "What Do You Mean", // specifics of the event
  artist_name: "Gleeband"
  album: "Purpose",
  label: "Def Jam - School Boy",
  genre: "Dance Pop"

Table Example


  • The tracks table: A global table with all tracks
Column Description
Anonymous_id The anonymous ID of the user
user_id The unique ID of the user
context_<key> Non-user-related context fields sent with each page or screen call - Google Analytics - Browsing Context ( URL , screen, )
event The slug of the event name, mapping to an event-specific table (without space)
event_text The name of the event (with space, …)
id An ID attached to the event at execution time and used for deduplication at the server level.
received_at When the page or screen call was received
sent_at When the page or screen call was triggered by the user
  • One Table by event name. The name of the table is the event column in the above table
Column Description
Anonymous_id The anonymous ID of the user
user_id The unique ID of the user
context_<key> Non-user-related context fields sent with each page or screen call - Google Analytics - Browsing Context ( URL , screen, )
event The slug of the event name, so you can join the tracks table.
event_text The name of the event.
id The unique ID of the track call itself.
received_at When the page or screen call was received
sent_at When the page or screen call was triggered by the user
<property> Each property of your track calls is created as its own column, and the column type is automatically inferred from the data.

Documentation / Reference

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