Web Analytics - Tag (Pixel, beacon)

Card Puncher Data Processing


tag are information send during a request

Tags are also known:

It's a code or snippet that:

  • defines what ads to put on the site or app.
  • you insert in the page to track the user actions

The tag (ie invisible image) sends messages to the analytics server.

A tag is a piece of JavaScript code that most vendors require users to integrate into their web and mobile sites to perform a task such as:

  • advertising,
  • live chat,
  • and product recommendations.

In addition to supporting your digital marketing efforts, these ‘tags’ collect unique visitor behavior information.


  • anonymous information about the user
    • browser,
    • location,
  • custom targeting from the publisher
    • ad units (ad unit name, )
    • ad size
    • custom targeting (key-values)

The information gathered helps you define:

  • the type of audience who was interested in a offer,
  • which campaigns generate more sales,
  • which ads work best with each persona,
  • etc.



A tag management system (TMS) lets you manage and unify all the tag (tracking and marketing snippets) in one place.

tag managers inject either a piece of JavaScript or an ad pixel into a website.



  • Once you add a Tag Manager snippet to your website or mobile app, you can configure tags using a web-based user interface without having to alter and deploy additional code.
  • change can be made without being technical
  • manage and control over all tags
  • manage the load order/execution of the tags


  • Tags – A snippet of code which will be added to your site.
  • Triggers – Defines when a tag should be fired.
  • Variables – Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.



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