
Card Puncher Data Processing

id The unique ID of the page or screen call itself received_at When the page or screen call was received sent_at When the page or screen call was triggered by the user | Each property of your pages or screens is created as it’s own column, and the column type is automatically inferred from your data.
For example, you might have columns like referrer and title. |
Derived Data Structure
From a page view event, you can construct: Basket Analysis Joke

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Card Puncher Data Processing
(Web|Mobile) - Analytics

A Page is the content that is shown to the user. The definition may vary greatly and is measured by the pageview metric.
Card Puncher Data Processing
(Web|Mobile) Analytics - Dimension / Metrics

Metrics in the user analytics context. advertisement metric PageView - The total number of pages viewed for the time period. Session (Visit) - The number of visit Average Visit Duration:...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Event-Data Application

are event-driven application that reports / analyze the immutable event collected (without any notion of a pre-defined lifecycle). An event-driven application is a stateful application that: ingest...
Card Puncher Data Processing
User Analytics - Session (Visit)

A session on a analytical level is a group of user interactions that take place within a given time frame. A single session can contain multiple: page views, events, social interactions, and...
Robots Useragent
Web - Robots.txt

robots.txt is a file that control and gives permission to Web Bot when they crawl your website. Googlebot should not crawl and all sub directory All other...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Web Analytics - Event (Hit) - Data Collected

Informations collected by analytics applications are called event (driven-architecture) and are the basis for application analytics An event defines an interaction collected for a particular user. hit...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Website Traffic

The traffic of website can be measured in terms of: hits (pageviews, visits, etc) or time

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