Metrics in the user analytics context.
This metrics may be completed with the advertisement metric if you are showing ads.
Articles Related
- PageView - The total number of pages viewed for the time period.
- Session (Visit) - The number of visit
- Average Visit Duration: The average amount of time a visitor stays on the site.
- Bounce Rate - The percentage of users that leave the site immediately after beginning the visit.
- Average Engaged Time - The total amount of time that a user engages with a page.
- Engaged Page View - The number of pageviews where the user interacted with the page for a minimum of 10 seconds.
- Engagement Rate - The average number of engaged pageviews for each pageview.
- Average Engaged Time by Visit: The total amount of time that a user engages with pages during a visit.
- Days since last visit (The number of days that have passed since the user visited the site) - Return Visitor Frequency report
- New Vs Returning
- Exits - The percentage that users exit your site from the given page (% exits=exits/pageviews).
- Visit Depth - Visit depth represents the number of pages visitors viewed during a visit.
- Content Viewed Percent - The total percentages of the content on the screen (vertically) that the user has viewed.
- Number of Pages - The total number of pages
- Time To Interactive: The time that has passed until the visitor can interact with the page.
- Page Load Metrics - Time to First Bit (TTFB) - The average time it takes for the server to send the first byte of data after the user makes a request.
Category / Dimensions
- Content Age (Weeks)
- Category - The category of your website to which the article belongs.
- Landing Pages - The page that visitors arrived to your site on.
- Exit Pages - The page where visitors exited your site.
- Published Date - The data of publication
- Authors - The authors of the article
- Pages - The page visited by the user.
- Word Count - The total number of words a page on the site contains.
- Document Height - The height of the page's document.
- Country
- Language
- Timezone
- Browser
- Age
- Connection type (slow, fast)
- Device Size (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop)
- Service Provider
- Traffic Source (Search, Social, …)
- Utm Source (where was the user before coming to the site)
- Weather …
- Day
- Day of Weeks