Endeca - Entity (View)

Oracle Platform Structured Unstructured Data


Views definitions are stored in a centralized location in View Manager.

Views are used to simplify the configuration of visualization components in Studio. The Chart is the first Studio component that uses Views in it’s configuration.


  • There is no return statement in a view. The Studio component (e.g., Chart) is responsible for generating the return statement.
  • The only attributes returned by a View are those in the statement where the define name equals the view Key.
  • A view can be used in a EQL definition. Example with the employee view from the quickstart application:
SUM(Sales) as SalesSum,
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DimEmployee_DepartmentName
  • Do not alias a physical attribute name in select clauses of a View Definitions for an attribute marked as a Dimension because the drilldown of a chart relies on the physical attribute name. Use the display name property in the View Manager Attribute Configuration instead. Example:
/* CORRECT */ 
DimEmployee_FullName AS DimEmployee_FullName
DimEmployee_FullName AS FullName
  • Statement Names defined in the define word must be unique throughout all Views since there is a single namespace.



The view manager is an interface that allows you to create, edit and delete views.

You can find it:

  • in Studio’s Control Panel before the version 3.1
  • in the application settings after the version 3.1

Endeca Studio View Manager

where you can see:

/* Ratio between the sum and the total */
  • a base view: The base view is created and maintained automatically by the Endeca Server data store for all data sources in Studio. It contains all of the available attributes.

Sconfig Web Service

In order to list the Entity (View), you can use the listEntities function of the sconfig web service. It's the easy way to extract the view definition that you can use with a copy of the getting started application.

Endeca Sconfig Listentities

With this web service, you can also, put (add), delete, validate entities.

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