Bash - Compgen - Completion matches (Builtin command)

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The compgen builtin command generate possible completion matches for word according to the options and write the matches to the standard output.


compgen [option] [word]

Generate possible completion matches for word according to the options, which may be any option accepted by the complete builtin with the exception of -p and -r, and write the matches to the standard output.

When using the -F or -C options, the various shell variables set by the programmable completion facilities, while available, will not have useful values.

The matches will be generated in the same way as if the programmable completion code had generated them directly from a completion specification with the same flags. If word is specified, only those completions matching word will be displayed.

Return Value

The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, or no matches were generated.

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Bash - Builtin Commands

builtin refers to: a builtin command. See or to the specific builtin command. See (useful when defining a function whose name is the same as a shell builtin) The builtin command execute the specified...

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