Bash - Dot

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A dot in bash can be:

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Bash - Builtin Commands

builtin refers to: a builtin command. See or to the specific builtin command. See (useful when defining a function whose name is the same as a shell builtin) The builtin command execute the specified...
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Bash - Caller - Stack Trace (Builtin command)

Caller is a builtin command that returns the context (localization) of any active subroutine call (a shell function or a script executed with the . or source builtins. The current frame is frame...
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Bash - Subroutine (Stack)

A subroutine (in the call stack) is a shell function or script executed with . or source
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Bash - process

This article is the bash Process. To see how to manage another general linux process, see The process running the command is created. The process inherits the stdin, stdout, and stderr from...
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What is a Bash or Shell Script?

This page is Os Shell scripts (with a accent on the Bash shell) A Bash or Shell Script is a text file that: has a shebang has the executable permission. File extensions are meaningless in UNIX,...

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