Bash - Shift

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The shift utility permits to shift the argument (position parameters).


shift [n]
  • n is a non-negative number less than or equal to $#. Default to 1.

The positional parameters from n+1 … are renamed to 1 ….

Parameters represented by the numbers $# down to $#-n+1 are unset.

If n is:

  • 0, no parameters are changed.
  • not given, it is assumed to be 1.
  • greater than $#, the positional parameters are not changed.

The return status is greater than zero if n is greater than $# or less than zero; otherwise 0.



while [ "" == "" ]; do
  if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then break; else echo "The positional parameter 1 is set to '$1'"; fi
  shift 1
  • Run --option1 valueOption1 --option2=valueOption2 -3
  • Output:
The positional parameter 1 is set to '--option1'
The positional parameter 1 is set to 'valueOption1'
The positional parameter 1 is set to '--option2=valueOption2'
The positional parameter 1 is set to '-3'

Option Parsing

while [ "" == "" ]; do
  case $1 in
        echo The option1 is: $option1
        shift 2
        echo The option2 is: $option2
        echo The level is: $num
    *)  echo $"$0: Usage: --option1 value1 --option2=value2 [+/-level]"
        exit 1;;
# If you don't want to fall done in the usage 
# the following condition can be use for the switch
# [ "$1" != "${1##[-+]}" ];
  • Run --option1 valueOption1 --option2=valueOption2 -3
  • Output:
The option1 is: valueOption1
The option2 is: valueOption2
The level is: -3
/tmp/ Usage: --option1 value1 --option2=value2 [+/-level] 

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