What are Control Operators in Bash?

Bash Liste Des Attaques Ovh


A control operator is a separator in a list of command that controls the execution of the commands.

They implement:

A token that performs a control function.

One or more commands separated by a control Operator forms


It is one of the following symbols:

Symbol Pagina Decsription
| pipe feed the standard stream stdout to stdin of the next command
& ampersand execute the command in the background in a subshell
&& AND execute the next command if the previous command is successful
|| Or execute the next command if the previous command is Unsuccessful
; semicolon execute all commands sequentially
<newline> semicolon execute all commands sequentially
( Subshell start block definition execute all commands in a subshell
) Subshell end block definition execute all commands in a subshell
{ block start definition execute all commands in a block
} block start definition execute all commands in a block

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