Bash - (Environment) Variable

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A variable is a parameters referenced by a name.

A variable (ie a name used to store data) in bash is called a parameter. A variable in bash is one of the three type of parameters.

A variable has:

  • a value
  • and zero or more attributes (such as integer, …). Attributes are assigned using the declare builtin command.



with assignment operator

In the shell command language, a variable is a word consisting of the following parts:

[local] name=[value]


If the variable has its integer attribute set, then value is evaluated as an arithmetic expression even if the $((...)) expansion is not used.

All values undergo the following expansion:

Is not performed:

Assignment statements may also appear as arguments to the:

With multiple words

With the read command

read -r var1 var2 var3 <<< "val1 val2 val3"
echo $var1
echo $var2
echo $var3


  • ${VAR1}
  • $VAR1 is a simplified version of ${VAR1} where the boundary is not defined.

${VAR1} is a parameter expansion notation.


echo ${var1}

echo "$var1_Nico"
# Blank

echo "${var1}_Nico"





echo $varname

To create your own shell variables. First issue the command


and then, regardless of what directory you are in, you can issue

cd $newdir

Shell Variable

The builtin, intern, system variable, reserved variable name, see: Bash - (Builtin|Intern|System|Reserved|Shell) variable name




To see an environment variable, you make use of the echo command as :

echo $PATH

or with the env command

env | grep PATH

All with env

To list the current values of all environment variables, issue the command

SSH_CLIENT= 3886 22


$ env | more

All with declare

To list the current values of all environment variables, execute the declare command


To list all names with their definitions, issue the declare command with p

declare -p
declare -- BASH="/bin/bash"
declare -r BASHOPTS="checkwinsize:cmdhist:complete_fullquote:expand_aliases:extglob:extquote:force_fignore:histappend:interactive_comments:login_shell:progcomp:promptvars:sourcepath"
declare -ir BASHPID
declare -A BASH_ALIASES='()'
declare -a BASH_ARGC='()'

A subset

Thanks to the parameter expansion prefix, we can get a list of variable that begins with a prefix.


echo ${!Prefix*}
  • output:
Prefix1 Prefix2


For a session

If you set your variable in a script, you need to call it with the source command, otherwise they will not be available in the parent process

The syntax depends of your shell:

  • for the Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

To add /sbin to the path, type the export command in a console :

export PATH=$PATH:/sbin

or with two variable

$ TMP=/mount_point/tmp
$ TMPDIR=/mount_point/tmp
$ export TMP TMPDIR
  • For the C shell:
% setenv TMP /mount_point/tmp
% setenv TMPDIR /mount_point/tmp

The export or setenv word makes the variable to be available to all child sessions initiated from the current session


You must change the shell startup script.



unset myEnvironmentVariable


With the env utility, you can start with a empty environment with the -i option.

env -i yourScript


See Bash - Parameter

Check if unset or empty

  • Unset or empty
if [ -z "${var}" ]; then
  echo "var is unset or empty"; 
  echo "var is set to '$var'"; 
  • Unset
[ -z ${var} ] && echo "Unset"

See Parameter check for more info.

Check if set

if [[ -n ${var} ]]; then 
  echo "var is set to '$var'"; 
  echo "var is unset";  

See Parameter check for more info.


Bash - Declare (Variable declaration and attribute)

declare -r variableName

Documentation / Reference

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