
Sap Hana Architecture

Log: The SAP HANA client installation is logged by the system. There are two log files written during installation stored at /var/tmp/hdb_client_''
*.log: can be read using a text editor
*.msg: XML format for the display in the installation tool with the graphical user interface

Documentation / Reference

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Sap Hana Architecture
SAP HANA - Hdbsql

A command line console that comes with the client installation. /saphelp_hanaplatform/helpdata/en/c2/2c67c3bb571014afebeb4a76c3d95d/content.htmSAP HANA HDBSQL Reference (HTML)
Ngdb Jdbc Trace Package
SAP HANA - Java Driver (ngdbc.jar)

Jdbc connection information on HANA. The driver comes with the client installation Driver: URL: jdbc:sap://:[/?] Port = 3 + instancename + 15 Example:...
Odbc Sap Hana

ODBC For now, it's a type 2. connection string: server:port For example, if the SAP HANA server is running on the host MyServer, as instance 01, on port 30115, and the SAP HANA client...

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