SAP HANA - Studio Installation

Sap Hana Architecture


How to install Studio


  • Java 7 JRE/JDK for Eclipse Luna 4.4


Microsoft VC Runtime

For Windows OS: DLLs VS2010 for communication with the back-end system is required.

NOTE: Install the x64 variant, according to the required 64-Bit Eclipse installation.

The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run applications developed with Visual C++ on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2010 installed.

Microsoft Visual C 2010 X64

Get Eclipse Luna 4.4


  • “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers”
  • or “Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers”

Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) was released on June 25, 2014. A Java 7 JRE/JDK is required for most of the Luna package downloads based on Eclipse 4.4.

  • Unzip the File (for me, it was:
  • And copy the eclipse root directory below the C root.

Configure Eclipse

Open the file eclipse.ini (“C:\eclipse\eclipse.ini”) and set the following minimal settings, in particular the heap size parameter (-Xmx).

C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\server\jvm.dll

The eclipse ini file must look like so (The vm parameter must be before the vmargs)

C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\server\jvm.dll

Install Hana Studio

  • Start Eclipse (“C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe”)

Eclipse Luna

  • Select a workspace (where all your data will go). C:\EclipseWorkspace
  • In Eclipse, choose in the menu bar Help > Install New Software…
  • For Eclipse Luna (4.4), add the URL
  • Select All

Sap Hana Tools

  • Accept the agreement.
  • Stop Eclipse

After installation steps

After installation of SAP HANA tools the XS project wizard might not show up in the list of wizards. In this case:

  • Close Eclipse.
  • Add a line -clean to eclipse.ini file, or use -clean at the command line to start Eclipse.
C:\eclipse>eclipse -clean
  • Start Eclipse again. The XS project wizard will now show up. File > New Project

Hana Xs Project

  • Remove the -clean option again.

For more information see SAP Note 2083491.


The connection parameters for a premise system:

Sap Hana Studio Connection System

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