ODI - Designer

Card Puncher Data Processing


Odi Designer

Through the Designer module, you can handle:

  • Models: The data models for your applications: all of the metadata in your data servers :
    • tables,
    • columns,
    • constraints,
    • descriptions,
    • cross-references,
    • etc…
  • Projects: all of the loading and transformation rules for your data servers:

The Designer module stores this information in a work repository, while using the topology and the security information defined in the master repository.

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Odi Create Master Repository Wizard

LD_LIBRARY_PATH= Master Repository: Data structure containing information on the topology of the company's IT resources, on security and on version management of projects and data models. This repository...
Odi Topology Jee
ODI - (Agent|Server)

ODI Agent is a lightweight Java process that orchestrates the execution of ODI scenarios. The ODI Agent can be installed to allow for lights-out processing of ODI scenarios developed with Designer :...
Odi Deployment Specification Ds
ODI - (Interface|Mapping)

An interface in Designer consists of a set of rules that define the loading of a datastore or a temporary target structure from one or more source datastores. You would only need the Empty Dataset...
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ODI - Change Data Capture

The goal of Change Data Capture is to track change in the source data. When running integration interface, ODI-EE can reduce the volume of source data processed in the flow by extracting only the changed...
Card Puncher Data Processing
ODI - Component Details

Oracle Data Integrator is made up of the components described below: The modular Repository, made up of a Master Repository and of one or several Work Repositories. These repositories can be installed...
Card Puncher Data Processing
ODI - Model (Data Model)

A Model (known also as Data Model) is the descriptions of the data and applications structures in designer. It's the data models for your applications: all of the metadata in your data servers : tables,...
Odi Project
ODI - Project

A project is a group of objects developed using Designer and is the first thing to do when you begin to design. Oracle...
Card Puncher Data Processing
ODI - Scenarios

A scenario is the partially-generated code (SQL, shell, etc) for the objects (interfaces, procedures, etc.) contained in a package. Once generated, the scenario is stored inside the Work repository. The...
Odi Jkm Oracle
ODI - Setting up Journalizing/CDC

This is the basic process for setting up CDC on an Oracle Data Integrator data model. Each of these steps is described in more detail below. Set the CDC parameters Add the datastores to the CDC ...
Odiee Architecture
ODI - Technical Architecture

Oracle Data Integrator is built around a modular repository architecture and accessed in client/server or thin client mode by components that are developed entirely in Java: the graphical interface...

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