To connect to different data servers, Oracle Data Integrator uses :
- the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) (Java DataBase Connectivity) standard for databases,
- JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)
- and JMS (Java Message Service) for MOM (Message Oriented Middleware).
Oracle Data Integrator does not include any third-party driver licenses.
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Installing JDBC / JMS drivers
Follow these steps to add a new driver for Oracle Data Integrator.
- Copy the driver packages (.zip or .jar files) to the /drivers sub-directory under the Oracle
Data Integrator installation folder (ODI_Home\oracledi\drivers) if they are not already referenced in the Java classpath.
Oracle Data Integrator will automatically detect the driver the next time it starts and will add these packages to the classpath. This must be done on each machine executing an Oracle Data Integrator component.
- If the driver is used to connect a repository and you wish to use Metadata Navigator to
connect to this repository, then copy the driver's packages in the /WEB-INF/lib sub- directory of the Metadata Navigator installation folder, then restart the application server.
Refer to the driver's documentation for specific setup operations.
Drivers added to Oracle Data Integrator do not automatically appear in the list of drivers and URL in the Oracle Data Integrator GUI. The URL and drivers must be typed in manually in the appropriate fields, using the syntax provided in the drivers' documentations.
The automatic detection of the drivers does not work on certain systems, including Windows 95 and 98. For these systems, you must add the driver's file in the ODI_ADDITIONAL_CLASSPATH path parameter in the odiparams file.A list of all the JDBC drivers available is maintained on the Sun Microsystems Web site.